Friday, September 9, 2016

Wow, My Book Is Only 99 Cents! What a Deal!!!

Yep, my book, I Am Annoyed: One Man's Rants Against This Annoying World, is now being sold for only 99 cents. So, for less than a dollar, you can read all my hilarious rants about everything I find annoying in our world, which obviously, is a lot, because I wrote a whole book about it.

Here's the link to the book on Amazon:

Thanks for your time.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Awesomely Procrastinating Writer's Post

Has it really been a year since I last posted on my blog? I'd like to say that my life has been such a whirlwind of activity that I simply haven't had the time to post anything here, but that is not the case. I guess the blurb under the title of my blog says it all: "Aaron Schultz writes about what he wants, whenever he wants." I guess "whenever I want" turned out to be nothing for a year.

I could make up a list of excuses of why I haven't posted in a year, and I could promise to write a whole hell of a lot more in the future, but for the millions (or dozens) of people who waited with bated breath in anticipation of any new post from me, all I can say is I probably will write some more fun stuff in the near future, so stay tuned. How's that for making a commitment?