Saturday, July 19, 2014

Self-Indulgent Ramblings Mania V: The Megablogger Explodes!!!

Hello. Because the first four times had such a great response, it's time for more ramblings on whatever pops in my head. So with apologies to the WWE and Larry King, here are some more self-indulgent ramblings:

Lebron James going back to Cleveland is the greatest heel-to-face turn ever.

Yes, even better than Stone Cold Steve Austin at Wrestlemania XIII.

I'm probably spending too much time with my Talking Tom cat on my tablet.

If you guessed that I get a kick out of having him say dirty and perverted words, you know me well.

Spoiler alert for the Amazing Spider Man 2: (Actually, everyone should have already seen it by now, but I was busy, okay?) I can't believe blank blank dies at the end! Well, blank blank also died in the comic book, so I shouldn't have been so surprised.

C'mon, Packers! Retire Favre's jersey already!

As a self published author, I'm definitely on Amazon's side in the Amazon/Hachette dispute.

On a somewhat related note, I don't know him personally, but J. A. Konrath seems like a cool guy to have a beer with.

Especially if he's buying.

Latest creepy commercial: Those weird Direct TV ones with the puppets. Who are these supposed to appeal to?

Obviously, someone with a weird puppet fetish.

Which definitely isn't me.

My unabashed, no holds barred review of Transformers 4: The metal-on-metal violence is high in this one.

Community is coming back! Hooray!

So, what the f is a Yahoo Screen?

The body count is getting pretty high in the last season of True Blood. At this rate, all that will be left at the end will be a set of fangs.

To be perfectly honest, although I was rooting for the United States, I still have trouble getting into soccer.

I have no idea what it's supposed to be used for, but I'm glad I've never taken Risperdal.

So, if everyone is already trapped Under the Dome, where are all these new characters coming from?

And that's all I have for now. See you next time.

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