Friday, August 29, 2014

Things That Annoy Me: The "I Think I'm a Stand-Up Comic" Guy

So, although the primary reason for this blog is to entertain anyone who happens to read it, I have to admit that I also am trying to use it to help promote my books. The theory being that if you are entertained by this blog, maybe you will buy my book. So I figure I should spotlight parts of my first book, I Am Annoyed: One Man's Rants Against This Annoying World. Not only will this add some more new content in my blog (I have to admit I've been slacking off a bit in adding new posts), plus, maybe it'll have the awesome effect of getting more sales for my book. I am periodically going to mention one thing that annoys me that I elaborate on in more colorful detail in my book. Hopefully, this will still be entertaining if read by itself, and it should be a good tease to all the fun everyone can have if they read my book.

So, for my first annoyance, I thought I would spotlight perhaps the most annoying person ever, the "I think I'm a stand-up comic" guy. This is a guy who cracks jokes constantly. The problem is, all his jokes are so lame that even the most hackneyed comics don't use them. What really makes the guy annoying is that he laughs at his own jokes in that "yuk, yuk" kind of way, and he calls you out when you don't laugh at his awful material. To read more about this annoying guy, here's the link to my book:

Thanks for your time.

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