I've heard it said that to build up the anticipation for your next writings, you should give constant updates to wet everyone's whistle. So I thought I'd give you a brief description of what I'm currently working on.
While I was writing my first book, I Am Annoyed: One Man's Rants Against This Annoying World, I was brainstorming about everything in this world that annoyed me. There were a lot of thoughts that I had that were compelling enough to write about, but for some of them I asked myself: "This is interesting, but am I really annoyed by it?" I Am Annoyed was supposed to be a book that's just about everything that annoys me, so anything that I thought about that really didn't annoy me that much, I didn't put it in the book. I had a fair amount of those kinds of thoughts, so the idea came to me that this would be good material for my next book. So I've taken these thoughts and started writing about them, while coming up with even more new thoughts that hopefully will make a complete book that will be published later this year. At first, I was going to call this book, Random Observations, but these thoughts aren't really random. The title is going to have something to do with thoughts or thinking, I have something in mind, but I'm going to keep that to myself. Doesn't that build your anticipation?
In an earlier post, I wrote about how I wrote all these screenplays that never went anywhere. I mentioned there was one that I'm converting into a novel. I'm kind of alternating between writing the book about my non annoying thoughts and this novel. I don't want to go into too much detail, but I can tell you this novel contains: small city robbery, unrequited love, pot smoking, an independent bookstore, a nympho, obscure pro wrestling references, foul language, tons of violence, and dark humor. Yeah, not your typical novel. Hopefully, if all goes well, I'll have this done sometime next year.
So, that's what I got coming down the pipeline. Stay tuned to this blog for even more updates and other fun stuff. See you soon.
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