Hello, it's time once again to mention something else that annoys me that is featured in my book, I Am Annoyed: One Man's Rants Against This Annoying World. Today, let's talk about parenting. Since I have no children of my own (that I know of), I figure I am the best person to talk about this subject. I have to confess, I am usually very annoyed by children. And nothing annoys me more than a loud, whiny, obnoxious kid causing a scene in public. But what's even worse than that is when a hapless parent is trying very unsuccessfully to get the child to stop by pleading with it (I was debating whether to use him or her, "it" seemed to be the most appropriate), to take a "timeout." Timeouts should only be allowed in sports, never in child raising. Any time I see a parent attempt to use this wimpy method of parenting, it always fails. To read more about this subject, including what evil thought creeps into my head when I, unfortunately, have to witness this annoyance in public, you can purchase my fine book by clicking on this link:
I should add to anyone with good taste who does click on the link, buys my book, and reads what I wrote about this subject, that this book is obviously satire, and even if this evil thought does creep into my head, I would never act on it. Seriously, I would never. Honestly, really, I wouldn't.